How many survivors do you employ at Manumit?
We currently employ 3 survivors at our roastery.
How do you recruit the survivors who work at Manumit?
We work closely with several partner agencies who support survivors of modern slavery, human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Support workers from these agencies introduce us to clients who they believe are ready to start moving on from their trauma and explore stepping back into the world of work. An informal interview with both the client and their support worker is always conducted prior to the offer of a job.
In what ways do you support the survivors who work at Manumit?
We seek to ensure that the roastery is a safe and supportive environment for all of our staff. The wellbeing of the survivors who work for us is of paramount importance and we do whatever we can to make sure that they feel loved, respected, cared for and listened to. We want to encourage them to dream new dreams and then equip them to pursue those dreams. To this end we provide personal coaching for each survivor who works with us to assist them in building confidence, accessing training and applying for jobs etc. Furthermore, our commitment to our staff extends beyond the workplace - accompanying them to various appointments, helping with house moves or simply being at the end of the phone when needed.
How much do your staff get paid?
All of the survivors who work with us receive the national living wage. The directors at Manumit do not receive any payment at all from the business.